I know you've been waiting patiently by your computers hitting the refresh button every few minutes with the hopes of seeing what our big news is, right? RIGHT?!?!
Let me just start by saying the following: NO, I am NOT pregnant. Goodness, does everyone have sex on their minds or something?
The B.I.G. news is this. We're moving. Again. Back to the east coast. Where on the east coast, you ask? I have provided a fairly obvious hint of where we're going with the photo above. Still not sure? It's NEW HAMPSHIRE!!!!!!!!
Dave was offered a position with a company in Manchester and he has accepted. He is really excited about this opportunity. Congratulations, Dave!
This is VERY exciting because Dave will be doing the kind of work he wants to do. I will be able to stay home with Beana and focus on some things I've been wanting to do for a long time. We'll also be much closer to family and friends.
On the other hand, this is not exciting because we are going to leave the most incredible group of friends here in Seattle. All of Beana's aunties who love her and care for her like Dave and I do. We love them all so much and love it here.
The east coast winters are the other reason this is not exciting. Have I mentioned that I grew up for the most part on tropical islands? Have I mentioned that cold weather for long amounts of time make me crazy? :) Aaaah, I'll get over it. I lived in Manhattan and Philly long enough to know what to expect and I'll be able to teach Sabrina how to make snowmen! See, there is a light at the end of every tunnel.
This past weekend, while in NH, we had a couple of opportunities to spend time with old and new friends. It was awesome. A friend had suggested that we look for a place closer to our friends and not the beach areas we were looking. After seeing/meeting everyone Dave and I decided our friend was right. Being close to friends would make a huge difference. I can always drive to the beach. We will be living in Nashua. We found a great house this past weekend with the help of an awesome realtor from Remax. We sure got a lot done during our 72 hour long (touch down to take off) house hunting trip.
So...we're packing a little every day. Dave will be there by the beginning of April and Beana and I will be there shortly after.
See you soon, everyone!
Wow, great news guys! It will be nice to have you back on the east coast - not that I'm there any more or less often than the left coast ;).
Ohhh! Im gonna miss u so much >"< but im happy for Dave and you that be able to do whatever you want! (;
Congrats, Dave!
Ok, so two things were on my mind about the big news. 1, you're pregnant (which didn't cross my mind until moments before opening this blog), or 2, I was really hoping you were moving to LB..
I miss you, Maria and I'm still waiting to meet Beana :)
I'm still your baby right? haha j/k. I'm all grown up ;)
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